Your source for the latest news, achievements and information from ONEC.

As the COVID-19 situation continues to evolve, we want to assure our staff, clients, and the general public that we are doing everything we can to support you through this difficult time. We are following the current guidelines set out by our Federal and Provincial governments. As such, our team is taking added precautions to keep our clients and employees safe. This is our top priority.

ONEC’s Clients

We know that projects, maintenance, and operations must go on, and that means ONEC must be ready to support our clients’ needs and facilities. Our clients operate utilities, power generation, water, infrastructure, and process facilities that must be kept operational to provide critical services to our communities. As part of our increased precautionary measures, we have initialized additional procedures on all work sites and will work directly with individual clients to ensure a safe working environment.

ONEC’s Facilities and Site Locations

At our offices and facilities, we’ve increased the frequency of cleaning, implemented social distancing, and reduced the number of staff present in our offices and shops by enacting remote online work strategies.


We have restricted all business travel for ONEC staff outside of Canada as of March 12, 2020. Any staff returning from travel outside of Canada are required to follow the Government of Canada’s recommendations to self-isolate for the designated period.

In summary, we are here to serve our clients and the communities we work in. We are working diligently to keep our teams healthy and ready to support our clients.


We believe the only way to complete projects as you intended is to fully understand both your vision for the project and your decision-making process—this way, everything we do will be with your best interests in mind.

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