Remembering the ‘E’ in HSE

Remembering the ‘E’ in HSE

Your source for the latest news, achievements and information from ONEC. In honour of Earth Day, the team at ONEC would like to remember the ‘E’ in HSE by acknowledging, sharing, and celebrating some of the essential environmental initiatives and accomplishments made...
Remembering the ‘E’ in HSE

Celebrating International Women’s Day

Your source for the latest news, achievements and information from ONEC. In honour of International Women’s Day, we would like to acknowledge and celebrate the recent achievements of some of the women at ONEC while also lauding the contributions that every woman at...
Remembering the ‘E’ in HSE

Our Clean Future Powered Together

Your source for the latest news, achievements and information from ONEC. Designed and constructed in-house by ONEC’s multidiscipline team of engineers and construction professionals, the Hydrogen Fuel Cell (HFC) Module Building is your green solution for emergency or...
Remembering the ‘E’ in HSE

Year in Review: 2021

Your source for the latest news, achievements and information from ONEC. At ONEC, we know the importance of self-reflection, goal setting, and the refreshed outlook that comes with the beginning of a new year. With the first month of 2022 wrapping up, we’d like to...
Remembering the ‘E’ in HSE

ONEC Christmas Wish List

Your source for the latest news, achievements and information from ONEC. The holidays are right around the corner, and before our staff, clients, and communities step back to enjoy some well-deserved Christmas cheer, we thought we would share our ONEC Christmas Wish...